Amongst the hustle and bustle of the Greenwood area in Seattle, Washington there’s a fascinating toy store by the name of Top Ten Toys. Just off 85
th street, Top Ten Toys has Seattle’s largest selection of classic, hands-on and fun educational toys. Owner Allen Rickert, prides himself on filling his store with “toys that inspire creativity, resourcefulness and ingenuity”. Rickert’s sister Adelia, opened the store 27 years ago. Being a single parent, she wanted to create a toy store that carried the kind of toys she wanted to provide for her son. Manhattan Toy is proud to have been a part of their toy collection since day one!
Top Ten Toys offers a place for kids to explore their creativity through play! The unique store design creates a magical experience for children looking for toys that inspire their imagination. Playful wood shelves and designated play areas create an atmosphere that promotes play, laughter and learning.

Customers are encouraged to stop in for any of their exciting weekly events! From Juggling Club to a play day of the week, customers can discover events from February through October. Sign up for their monthly email with a full list of calendar events:
If you haven’t already stopped into Top Ten Toys, plan your visit today. Don’t forget to visit their website
http://www.toptentoys.com/. Plus, you can follow them on
Facebook to find out what’s new and exciting in the magical world of Top Ten Toys!
Store Locations:
120 N. 85
th Street
Seattle, WA 98103
(206) 782-0098
Pacific Place
600 Pine St, 3rd Floor
Seattle, WA 98101
(206) 623-1370
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