The holidays are upon us again! Busy schedules, the hustle and bustle of the season – running here and there, shopping, extra activities and getting ready to spend time with family and friends. What also comes with the holidays is the accumulation of more stuff. Whether it is new decorations for your home, leftovers or all of the generous gifts received.
In our home, preparing for the holidays also tends to include a winter version of spring cleaning. As we dig through the boxes and search through the closets to find lights, decorations or that gigantic roaster we use once a year, it forces us to wonder: what is all ‘this stuff’ blocking the way to our holiday furnishings? Do we really need it all? Could someone else like or need it more than us? The answer is yes!
A few years back we decided to introduce our children into this holiday ritual. Every year, we ask them to go through their toys with us and pick out ones they no longer play with or have outgrown. Initially there was a bit of a fuss about parting with them, but even at the young age of three, kids are old enough to learn about giving and the importance of helping others. It’s become a great holiday tradition that our kids are proud of and we know they will pass it on when they are older.
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1 comment
I am very touch because in very young age they thought the children that giving is the best than recieving. please visit my blog stuffed toys
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